HIPAA Enforcement Summary for First Quarter 2021

HIPAA penalties continue to be applied not only for HIPAA Security Rule and Privacy Rule noncompliance discovered after breaches have occurred, but more are being applied for HIPAA non-compliance in situations where breaches were not involved. Non-compliance penalties have been given for not following requirements in the Privacy Rule, Security Rule and Breach Notification Rule. In Q1 of 2021 all but one of the non-compliance penalties were applied against entities for violation of the HIPAA Privacy Rule's right of access standard. These entities ranged from small clinics to a large health insurer that experienced a multi-year breach affecting over 9.3 million people. Multi-year corrective actions and multi-million-dollar penalties were applied by the HHS OCR for violating multiple Privacy Rule, Security Rule and Breach Notification Rule requirements. See and hear a summary of all the penalties and required actions the HHS OCR gave in Q1 2021 in this free video from Privacy & Security Brainiacs. For more information and resources on HIPAA visit https://privacysecuritybrainiacs.com/.