Privacy & Security Brainiacs

    In March 2023, the U.S. White House published its National Cybersecurity Strategy. It emphasizes the need for all businesses to “minimize the harms from cyber incidents to society's most vulnerable, and defend our share digital ecosystem."

    The need for organizations and individuals to be educated to better protect security was also emphasized throughout the Strategy. As one example, “This strategy will take a comprehensive and coordinated approach to expanding the national cyber workforce, improving its diversity, and increasing access to cyber educational and training pathways.”

    Our online courses and awareness products and services strongly support this initiative.

    “Privacy and cybersecurity for your life”

    We have been advocating for 25+ years the need to provide cybersecurity and privacy education. This should occur in the form of not only formal courses, but also using ongoing awareness communications and activities.

    Organizations and individuals learning from such educational activities will be better prepared to protect the organizations where individuals work and to comply with legal obligations for such education. Such education will also demonstrate due diligence to regulators, auditors, and business clients.

    Just as importantly, such education will also enable individuals to use what they learn to protect their own privacy and secure their own devices when they are away from work. This helps them to better understand, from their personal viewpoint, the true value of privacy and cybersecurity education. It makes it clear that such understanding truly does add value to their lives, along with the lives of those to whose personal data they have access while performing their job responsibilities.

    Privacy & Security Brainiacs® covers all areas of privacy, information security, cybersecurity, and compliance topics, in all areas of the world. A few of the areas where we have deep expertise, and have hands-on real-life experience, performed research, and have co-authored informative references, such as government standards, guidelines, and directives, include:

    • Healthcare and associated industry regulations (e.g., HIPAA, HITECH Act, and others)
    • Internet of Things (IoT) and associated environments
    • Call centers
    • Residential care facilities (assisted living, gated communities, group homes, dormitories, etc.)
    • Software development
    • Law enforcement
    • Agriculture
    • Electric grids, and associated critical infrastructure utilities
    • Technology vendors
    • Financial
    • Retail
    • Education
    • Government agencies
    • And more

    We provide privacy, cybersecurity, and compliance education services (online courses, in-person classes, webinars, online executive and leader meetings, consulting, etc.) and products (policies and procedures, risk assessments, third-party management, etc.).

    Our online Privacy & Security Brainiacs and Master Experts education portals provide our clients with capabilities to manage their security, privacy, and compliance programs in a centralized, simplified, and cost-effective way for all sizes of businesses.

    We offer a variety of services and products that are:

    • Free.
    • For purchase, per learner, per course.
    • For purchase through a low monthly subscription rate for education, ongoing access to experts via Q&A and/or consulting calls, policies and procedures, and much, much more.

    We have worked with organizations in all industries, and directly with consumers, throughout the world. We would love to help you!

    We also love collaborating with other organizations, such as MSPs, MSSPs, consultancies, law firms, accountancies, and more, to help their clients through our referral programs, and branding programs that allow organizations to utilize our platform while maintaining access to their own clients. We’d love to support your organization! Contact us to discuss this further at:

    A subsidiary of The Privacy Professor®

    Engaging Animated Training Courses to Help Your Organization Become Privacy & Security Brainiacs

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    Customized Certificates for All Students

    Comprehensive Quizzes for Premium Courses

    Our Selection of Courses Includes:

    Free Courses

    Work From Home Security and Privacy

    HIPAA for Business Associates Overview

    HIPAA Privacy Rule Overview

    HIPAA Security Rule Overview

    HIPAA Enforcement Summary for Q3 2020

    HIPAA Enforcement Summary for Q4 2020

    HIPAA Enforcement Summary for Q1 2021

    HIPAA Enforcement Summary for Q2 2021

    HIPAA PHI Use: Overview of When to Protect PHI, and Acceptable PHI Uses

    Watch Our Free Training Videos Now

    Premium Courses

    HIPAA Basics: CEs, BAs, and PHI

    HIPAA Basics: Noncompliance Penalties

    HIPAA Security Rule Basics

    HIPAA Privacy Rule Basics

    HIPAA For Business Associates

    Call Center Security and Privacy

    HIPAA PHI in Use

    View Our Premium Training Courses Here